Big dreams - small steps

I've finally made it - the plan to follow till my graduation. 

Took some time to be made...mostly because so many things felt so uncertain.

After 2 and a half years of living here I've finally learned how to settle down completely! And now the problem is...I'm not going to do it. Because I'm going far!

That's right. I'm going far East and I've got the plan(s) on how to do it now and hopefully the means as well, one step at a time. 

If everything goes well, I'll graduate in exactly 5 semesters! There's a slight chance of me making it less time, but let's see how that goes... In the worse case -  in 7 or more semesters...

Can you believe that? A bachelor takes so long when you're a Werkstudent...

So what is this plan anyway, you ask? 

Well first of all - I've got a permanent contract at the place where I live, which means that I can work there as long as I'm a student. And that is great! Because if I don't work... I can't stay here... and If I can't stay here - I can't study and if I can't study here, then I'm not following my dreams...

I'm kind of surprised to be honest. After 1 year of living off with daily contracts and having to manage your budget to every single cent because your salary is different every month depending on how much you've managed to work... and then 1 year with one semester-lasting contracts for which you didn't have any guarantee whether they'll be extended for the next semester or not... (flashback at September 2018 when a massive amount of students lost their jobs...)

So now I've reached to a point where I know that I'll be able to pay for my own education and be debt free at the end! How cool is that? As we like to say in our country "As long as you're healthy, everything else will be fine". This can also be translated as "As long as you're healthy (and working), everything else will be fine". And it's true! 

So... I have nothing to complain about. And what's even better, now I can focus more on my studies, finding a scholarship finally... and perhaps trying out new things that are more related to my interests.

So overall, I'm really happy with how things are turning out to be! 

As for the rest of the plan... I'll try to be done with the Japanese in the next 3 semesters and then for 2 semesters I'll focus on Chinese and in the end, my Japanese should be pretty fluent (C1) and by Chinese should be between B1 and B2. Let's see how that goes!

And once I graduate, I'm out of here! Heidelberg is a great city for studying and living as a student, but I never saw it as a place where I would want to settle down and stay for too long. 

Afterwards I'm going to China and Japan! And where first? I have no clue yet. I'll figure that out later on this year and the upcoming two... 

But one is certain. I'll study a bit more afterwards. So Werkstudent life will probably still be a thing for the next 5 years... 

I plan to study Psychology and Physics. Whether that changes or not,  I can't say yet. 

There's a lot more to share and a lot of things happened these months, but more on that another time. 

Right now, as I wrote earlier, I'm just happy and even happier that I'm finally going to see my family on Monday! 

As to everyone reading even when I don't post anything for a long time, thank you! And to all my friends reading my posts, thank you guys as well! You're all awesome! 

Have a great, productive weekend!