

От самото начало стояха пред мене - денят, скръстил ръце със доволна усмивка, и неговият вечен приятел - дъждът. Внезнапно настъпи мълчание... Какво ли отново злодействат? Нима един ден ще превърне покоя в порой? Аз никога няма да знам, ка…

Big dreams - small steps

I've finally made it - the plan to follow till my graduation. Took some time to be made...mostly because so many things felt so uncertain. After 2 and a half years of living here I've finally learned how to settle down completely! And now …

Never Listened

I haven't been posting much in the past whole month because I chose to keep the moments to myself, rather than share them. My birthday is coming soon and so much changed in the past semester. And as I've always said - so much changed since…

What can't you do?

Have you ever had the same thoughts over and over every day to the point where it becomes a habit of yours thinking about something, daydreaming about it and often getting distracted by it? You wake up and through out your day you find you…

Черен Ден

Wooooooosh woooosh Just who are you when your colours fade? P.S. Awesome moon! Thank you everyone for the great weekend! You're awesome! And thank you Keti for testing my camera with me!

All up to you...

That old man at the rondell... How could have I wasted so much thoughts on so many unimportant things... when everything that I need has been always here with me... My family, my friends, my dreams... They've all given me a reason to live.…

Our Problems

A few days ago at work in Botanik, there was this old man in front of the rondell where you leave your plates and tablet once you're done eating. Also that rondell is actually right next to the door where I work. Either way, sometimes when…


I'm really into rock, punk and metal, but usually when I wake up and need to start my day, I listen to this playlist: Also, I updated the movies:

Time Of Our Lives

It is interesting how much we do not see from a person unless we're very close to them, isn't it? :) Recently I watched a documentary about personality and in that documentary they spoke about being a leader and what leadership means. I th…

What your thoughts don't say

So now that people are coming back from their holidays, today I met my floormate and friend Ashis. We like to talk about life, girls, love and relationships quite a lot so topic shifted from holidays to these things after awhile. So here's…


I had a really great time this past week. Everything from Christmas Eve to New Year just couldn't be better. My friends are awesome and very supportive. They really know how to get me in the mood and help me relax! Speaking of which...ever…

Thoughts 3巻

There days have been amazing! This is the first time in 2 years since I've been here and had a really nice Christmas Eve and Christmas celebration. I feel very happy. I couldn't make any traditional food and I couldn't celebrate the way th…

Thoughts 2巻

Today I feel like writing about Dean Leysen, one of my favourite YouTubers from years ago and one of the first people that made me more interested in psychology when I was younger. Dean doesn't have many video uploads, but in many of his v…

Great day and plans

My exams are over and I think I passed everything! At least I knew everything... Now all there is to do is work this evening and tomorrow as well and then on Saturday I can finally start thinking about the holidays and how to spend them. P…

Thoughts 1巻

I often couldn't sleep during the nights before, even though I was very sleepy and exhausted. I just had so many things to do that I felt restless. So i would get up during the night and just compose a poem, draw, exercise or study. Most o…

Just my luck

Every year around Christmas time it always feels like there's a lot to do in terms of work and university, that I barely have any time for anything to plan untill the holidays are actually here. This will be the third Christmas which I spe…