Thoughts 2巻

Today I feel like writing about Dean Leysen, one of my favourite YouTubers from years ago and one of the first people that made me more interested in psychology when I was younger. 

Dean doesn't have many video uploads, but in many of his videos he would talk for a short period of time about topics which I am interested in and he could always give answers which we would be similar to how I felt and thought about something. So in a way, I could always relate to his thoughts and opinions. 

Things such as :

People don't always act based on logic and reason. In fact most of the time we probably don't at all. People are impulsive, emotional creatures. There isn't one center in a person's brain making all the decissions based on some logic you can follow. 

 Which I entirely agree with. Even what I post on my blog is almost entirely affected by my emotions at the current time that I write about something. And that is also why in another post of mine about communication, I mentioned that if we get to know each other better, we can understand the why the bahave the way that we do and once we know that, we can use it to our advantage and communicate better in our relationships with other people (and even with our own selves). 

In another video of his, Dean mentions a book called 

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Viktor Frankl – Wikipedia

and although I haven't given it a try myself yet (due to uni exams and work and more things coming up), but I plan to very soon, one interesting idea that Dean mentions (from the author Viktor Frankl) is the following: 

The situation you're in isn't always under your control. Things can happen to you that make your life considerably worse. People can do things to you, but the one thing that you almost always have control over is how you react to that. 

And I completely agree with this as well! No matter how bad a situation is, we are the ones that decide how to react and respond. And if we do not understand why we respond in a certain way, then it means that we still need to learn more about ourselves! This goes for any bad situation we are in - whether it is a personal one or in a relationship (example: arguing with a friend or lover). We may not have the full control over a situation, but we decide our own actions and how to communicate. This is all we can do. The rest is up to our partner (in the case of relationships). 

There's other things I would like to share, but perhaps in the upcoming weeks!