
Your Best Friend - The Brain: Depression And Sadness

Last evening, I began to write the post which I've been wanting to post in a long time, but I realized that talking about everything in a single post would make it too long and too complicated. So that is why I'm going to cut everything in…

Mental Health

These few weeks in my free time, I've been reading again a lot about depression, anxiety, OCD, intrusive thoughts and other topics related to mental health. And what I recently stumbbled upon on was these videos from the mid 20th century w…

What can't you do?

Have you ever had the same thoughts over and over every day to the point where it becomes a habit of yours thinking about something, daydreaming about it and often getting distracted by it? You wake up and through out your day you find you…

All up to you...

That old man at the rondell... How could have I wasted so much thoughts on so many unimportant things... when everything that I need has been always here with me... My family, my friends, my dreams... They've all given me a reason to live.…

The Knight In Shining Armor

Last story was about a certain way of thinking that can be very self-damaging and a big waste of time if we get used to having such a mindset. Of course, since it's a fictional story, I over- exaggerated with some of the thoughts which the…

Ecstasy of thoughts

This is a short fictional story describing a person's way of thinking. Since I love psychology, I had this idea for some time and today during work I composed the final parts in my mind. Since I'm not a psychologist, I won't put any defini…

What your thoughts don't say

So now that people are coming back from their holidays, today I met my floormate and friend Ashis. We like to talk about life, girls, love and relationships quite a lot so topic shifted from holidays to these things after awhile. So here's…

Thoughts 3巻

There days have been amazing! This is the first time in 2 years since I've been here and had a really nice Christmas Eve and Christmas celebration. I feel very happy. I couldn't make any traditional food and I couldn't celebrate the way th…

Communication is key 1巻

Since I made a lot of typos in my previous post about communication, I decided to edit it, shorten it and publish it again, this time being more understandable. Why is it important to be aware of how we communicate with others? I believe t…