

One of the many sleepless nights. So time to be creative :) Can you write me a song?About the never-aging love. Like the seasons - everlong,baby I can't have enough (of you). I've been up all night long,wishing you'd be here with me. Baby,…

Ain't no feeling high enough

In the valley of angelswith the rivers of poets -that's where I wanna meet you, baby. And in the garden of roseswith so many choices,I would always pick you, baby. Because you are my soul,you are my journey and goal.So I guess, I gotta hur…

At The 図書館

On her way to the library, she found a book wide open. She read the title and it said "Love can't be broken". Her heart went wild, it just went crazy. She found a book, which now she could read endlessly. On every page it said " Let's make…


The night falling down gently above houses made of straw. Do you remember our echoes? Thousands of heartbeats during a war. On our shoulders we carry a burden so heavy. Keeping our heads up, we set off into fields of unknown. Do you rememb…

Amazing Food and even more amazing Friends 8巻

Christmas has been amazing so far! It's the only free week that I have so I am taking full advantage of it to relax and celebrate. I really enjoyed spending so much time with my friends and looking forward for more parties and gatherings w…

Thoughts 3巻

There days have been amazing! This is the first time in 2 years since I've been here and had a really nice Christmas Eve and Christmas celebration. I feel very happy. I couldn't make any traditional food and I couldn't celebrate the way th…

Обичам те

In The Night

Вечер е, а слънцето за мене чак сега изгрява. Кой съм аз - душа истинала в забрава. Там в гората, чуваш ли звукът на тишината? Спокойствието, избавлението oт всич'това, що е на земята. Вечер е, а мислите ми плуват по небосвода. Сърцето ми …

Thoughts 2巻

Today I feel like writing about Dean Leysen, one of my favourite YouTubers from years ago and one of the first people that made me more interested in psychology when I was younger. Dean doesn't have many video uploads, but in many of his v…

Lucky number

Today is the only free day that I had to do some shopping before Christmas and prepare a little bit for the holidays. I couldn't do everything that I wanted to do, but it doesn't matter since I will do the rest after Christmas when the sto…


Yellow grass and above it's eyes, a sunrise - your beautiul smile. How it blooms in every colour, how it shines at any time. The leaves are painted red, the water - she is always blue. And all of this when mixed with green, turns the sunri…


At the Yellow River's crossingI found a flower that reminded me of you.A sky of colours - red and bluewere flowing through its tender leaves.Are you the goddess of Danube -my rising sun above a world full of madness?Will my heart be ever c…

Great day and plans

My exams are over and I think I passed everything! At least I knew everything... Now all there is to do is work this evening and tomorrow as well and then on Saturday I can finally start thinking about the holidays and how to spend them. P…

Thoughts 1巻

I often couldn't sleep during the nights before, even though I was very sleepy and exhausted. I just had so many things to do that I felt restless. So i would get up during the night and just compose a poem, draw, exercise or study. Most o…


Black as the night, your hair made of silk. With a tail in each side, some might believe, that you're just a doll. A smile like the sun, the smile of a child, eyes filled with hope, heart filled with love. You're yellow and you're green, y…

Just my luck

Every year around Christmas time it always feels like there's a lot to do in terms of work and university, that I barely have any time for anything to plan untill the holidays are actually here. This will be the third Christmas which I spe…

Song of the day 18年12月15日


Amazing Food and even more amazing Friends 5巻

Where are parts 4? Or 2? Or 1? Well now... メリークリスマス! 圣诞快乐 Still a bit early for Christmas, but not all of us will be here to celebrate. I will be here of course, as always studying and training...but I think these holidays will…


As I try to paint your naked face,I always leave it somehow incomplete.For it never ages with tomorrow's waves -It's beauty swims within my every heartbeat. And when I listen our songs,I always leave the radio somehow on repeat.For it remi…

Descend to above

A red sunset is painted. It's lights melting through the windows of that old wooden house - the one that we once called home. The sky is crying. The clouds are lost within it. The sea is mourning for something, something made out of our me…

Communication is key 1巻

Since I made a lot of typos in my previous post about communication, I decided to edit it, shorten it and publish it again, this time being more understandable. Why is it important to be aware of how we communicate with others? I believe t…

Im Winter

Im Winterglühen deine Augen wie die Sonne,die das Eis so sanft zerfließt. Und von hier, wo ich wohne,schaue ich in die Sterne, die du immer liebst. Im Winterküsse ich dein lächelndes Gesicht,noch einmal,und noch einmal...denn ich bin viell…


Аз знам, че когато се събудяна утрешния ден,ти ще си далеч оттук и никога до мен. А тогава, за секунда в душата ми любов наново ще се зароди,сякаш до вчера биеше сърцето мисамо за твоите тъмни очи. Понякога ще се обръщамс лице, обърнато къ…

Communication (old post)

Since I'm really interested in human relationships, behavior(s) and generally in psychology, I like to think and reflect quite a lot about my own feelings, thoughts and behavior at certain moments. And when it comes to relationships, regar…


Душата ми гори за теб.Аз рисувам по небето със искра, запалена от теб.А звездите, жълти, като слънчоглед,те танцуват непрестанно в ритъм,разтапяйки се като лед в усмивкатати детска - млечен път. Аз търся те отново.Сърцето ми скърби за теби…

Studying Abroad 3巻

So officially from the first of June last year I began working and paying entirely everything on my own here in Germany. Not only that, but I was also going to a lot of courses at university and being in a relationship. And the feeling of …

Studying Abroad 2巻

The first challenges that I faced when I came here, weren't actually getting used to speaking German or getting adjusted to the environment. Sure, it was somewhat difficult finding a place to live here, considering I wasn't given a room in…

Studying Abroad 1巻

After graduating high school, I had 2 options. One was to remain in my own country and study there or try to get accepted at a foreign university. The first option seemed so simple. I had really good marks, so being accepted wasn't much of…

Потънали в небето

Зюмбюли, лалета - нашир и надлъж безкрайни полета.Вендета - призив на борците за свободада отприщят своя окончателен удар! На три колелета,железни машини маршируват по фланга, а сред тях и млади момчета, довчерапълзяли по земите на старата…